Interpharma Burger
Interpharma Burger schließen

A strong economic framework

Promoting upcoming young scientists

Innovations are determined to a substantial degree by the qualification of the workforce as a whole. The Swiss education system needs to take new skills profiles into account.

Overview Free movement of people and access to workers from third countries Promoting upcoming young scientists The tertiary education system as a key location factor

As a knowledge-oriented and scientific nation, Switzerland enjoys a good reputation in fields of research such as the life sciences, physics, chemistry and clinical medicine. The Swiss education system is also respected for its market-oriented and integrative vocational training system. Yet in recent years the challenges have been growing. Companies that provide specialised industrial and other services are no longer able to find enough potential trainees who meet the required profile. This applies particularly to jobs in information and communication technology. There is a great need for specialists in this field, not least because of its pace-setting role in digitalisation.

Targeted support for schools

The Pisa study in 2019 showed that schoolchildren in Switzerland are lagging behind their peers in other countries with respect to reading, mathematics and science. Fifteen-year-olds in countries such as China, Japan, Finland and Canada performed considerably better. It is therefore all the more important to promote science in the Swiss education system. Particular attention needs to be paid to the MINT subjects (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology) and young people need to be promoted specifically in these areas.

Science can be supported by ensuring initial and continued training for teachers, and by providing interesting teaching materials and attractive teaching methods to make the MINT subjects appealing to young people. This will in turn help to counter the lack of skilled workers.

Further information

About us

Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

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Information on our key figures and activities in the financial year 2023

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