All news from our members - Interpharma

All news from our members

Find information about Interpharma and its members here: from social media to press releases and stories. Scroll down for the press archive. Click through the latest posts from our members and partners.

Furthermore, you can view facts and figures about the Swiss healthcare and pharmaceutical landscape in our datacenter.

Press archive

Interpharma and its members in the press.
Here you will find the press releases and stories of our members in Switzerland.

MSD Media Release de

22 May 2024

MSDs Belzutifan zur Behandlung von Erwachsenen mit Von-Hippel-Lindau-Krankheit...

MSD Media Release fr

22 May 2024

Le belzutifan de MSD autorisé en Suisse pour le traitement des adultes atteints...

MSD Media Release de

22 March 2024

Swissmedic erteilt Zulassung für MSD’s Pembrolizumab zur Behandlung von...

MSD Media Release fr

22 March 2024

Swissmedic autorise le pembrolizumab de MSD dans le traitement du mélanome à...

MSD Media Release de

19 March 2024

3. MSD Krebsversorgungsmonitor* der Schweiz zeigt: Krebsbetroffene wünschen...

MSD Media Release en

19 March 2024

Third MSD Cancer Care Survey* of Switzerland shows: people affected by cancer...

MSD Media Release fr

19 March 2024

La 3e enquête de prise en charge du cancer MSD* en Suisse montre: les personnes...

MSD Media Release fr

8 March 2024

MSD & Trendtage Gesundheit Luzern s’engagent pour une longue vie en bonne...

MSD Media Release de

8 March 2024

MSD & Trendtage Gesundheit Luzern engagieren sich für gesunde Langlebigkeit

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About us

Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

Annual report

Information on our key figures and activities in the financial year 2023

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Board and Executive Management

Introducing Interpharma

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Vision and Mission

More about the tasks and overriding aims of Interpharma

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Contact us

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Latest information and media contacts for media representatives

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