News - Interpharma
A strong economic framework
Facts & Figures


of women in the workforce, supplemented by efforts to extend parental leave, help the industry become a leader in reconciling work and family life.

Leading in research & development
Facts & Figures


The 23 member companies of Interpharma together account for over 90% of the market share in patented medicines in Switzerland.

Healthcare system

People in Switzerland benefit from access to high-quality healthcare provision. However, there is still a need for action and improvement in various areas.

Putting the focus on patients

Our mission is to ensure that patients in Switzerland receive access to innovative medicines and therapies as quickly as possible.

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About us

Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

Annual report

Information on our key figures and activities in the financial year 2023

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Board and Executive Management

Introducing Interpharma

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Vision and Mission

More about the tasks and overriding aims of Interpharma

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Contact us

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Latest information and media contacts for media representatives

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