We are aware that in using animals for research purposes, we are legally and ethically bound to observe the highest standards. We believe it is part of our responsibility to take this obligation very seriously. We are therefore committed to the principles set out in this charter. They apply worldwide throughout our scope of influence.
The companies that are members of Interpharma undertake:
- to employ and actively promote the 3R principles of animal welfare – Replacement (of animal studies), Reduction and Refinement – particularly with reference to the development and use of methods and techniques capable of replacing even more animal studies or reducing to a minimum the number of animals required or the burden on laboratory animals before, during and after their use;
- to ensure high quality and adherence to the current standard in keeping and caring for our laboratory animals and to work constantly to improve these conditions;
- to further develop, promote and support initial and continuing training for all our employees and partners whose work involves laboratory animals;
- to contractually obligate our business partners to maintain our high standards of animal welfare when they perform animal studies for us or supply us with animals;
- to ensure that the agreed standards of animal welfare are maintained by operating strict internal auditing systems;
- to commit to a cross-company and global approach with the aim of auditing our external partners in terms of animal welfare standards and compliance with these standards;
- in addition to regular official inspections, to support the development of external, independent programmes that assess our animal welfare standards and facilities worldwide;
- to promote the validation and acceptance by the supervisory authorities of methods suitable for replacing, reducing or refining animal studies;
- to make our contribution to an ongoing, open and constructive dialogue about animal studies and animal welfare – both with the general public and with the authorities, political decision-makers and other interested parties;
- to report annually on the progress achieved with this charter.
Further information