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Interpharma Health Monitor 2024

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Principles for a sustainable Swiss healthcare system

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The Swiss healthcare system faces major challenges. An ageing population and the growing demands created by medical progress are creating cost pressure. Since Interpharma is an important and experienced player in the healthcare sector we see it as our role and our responsibility to contribute actively to the ongoing development of the healthcare system in Switzerland. In view of these challenges, we have defined guiding principles to provide a compass for the ongoing development of the Swiss healthcare system.



Annual Report 2023

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The Importance of the Pharmaceutical Industry for Switzerland 2024

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The economic importance of the pharmaceutical industry manifests in many ways: over the past 25 years, its companies have created thousands of additional jobs, and now almost one Swiss franc in ten is generated along the value chains of their research, development and production activities. The real economic output of the pharmaceutical industry tripled in the last ten years and was responsible for over 40 percent of Swiss economic growth. The basis for this outstanding achievement is the enormous capacity for innovation and productivity, coupled with international competitiveness.



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About us

Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

Annual report

Information on our key figures and activities in the financial year 2023

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Board and Executive Management

Introducing Interpharma

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Vision and Mission

More about the tasks and overriding aims of Interpharma

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Contact us

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Latest information and media contacts for media representatives

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