Interpharma Burger
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Healthcare system

Multi-stakeholder initiatives

If the challenges facing the Swiss healthcare system are to be overcome, quality – and not just costs – must be part of the discussion.

Overview eHealth Legislation in the HIA Managed care Multi-stakeholder initiatives Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis

In the current discussion of the Swiss healthcare system, the emphasis is often more on costs than on the quality of care. This means that the focus is on just one small area of the costs generated by illness. People who recover faster and better following an illness, and who are in good health, no longer require nursing care and can once again make a productive contribution to society.

A comprehensive and patient-focused approach based on the clinical pictures presented by patients is needed in order to create framework conditions for the Swiss healthcare system that ensure top quality and optimum care as well as the attainment of effective health objectives. This can only be achieved through collaboration between all the interested parties.

allianz q

allianz q is one example of a multi-stakeholder initiative. Acting as a think-tank, allianz q brings together experts from different parts of the healthcare system. It has set itself the goal of directing the political discussion of healthcare away from costs and towards the quality of the benefits it provides and the products it uses. allianz q’s mindset and actions focus on the benefit and the added value for patients. allianz q calls for quality to be established and improved continuously as the foundation of the healthcare system. In order to do this, allianz q compares the healthcare system and healthcare provision in Switzerland with the best national or international examples. It puts the patient at the centre of its deliberations and demonstrates the epidemiological and economic impact of various diseases.


The Swiss healthcare system needs more innovation if it is to continue fulfilling its duties in the future. A growing number of chronically ill people require medical and nursing care, while at the same time patients must continue to have access to medical progress. The solution to this dilemma lies not in theory but in practice. Numerous stakeholders are already looking for new ways of improving the health of the population. Projects of this kind often combine the efforts of several parties: service providers, insurers, research and industry.

It was against this background that Interpharma and its partners created santeneXt, the do-tank of the Swiss healthcare system. santeneXt aims to accelerate the process of innovation for the benefit of patients by enabling the stakeholders in the healthcare system to learn from each other’s experience. The platform brings active stakeholders together, encourages them to carry out pilot projects and promotes an exchange about the results. The focus is on boosting quality and efficiency and not solely on reducing costs. In this way, the platform contributes to ensuring that patients achieve the best possible treatment outcome in the Swiss healthcare system.

Further information

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Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

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