Artificial intelligence (AI) enables computers and machines to learn from experience, adapt to new information and tackle tasks that require the ability to handle complex thought. AI technologies can be used to train computers to process large volumes of data and to recognise certain patterns in data.
The use of AI and digital technologies in medicine has already led to numerous new applications. These include image recognition, medical diagnostics and the capture of digital biomarkers in patients by using smartphone apps and sensors.
Automation is vital in improving the planning and execution of clinical trials of new treatment methods and in driving personalised medicine. Extensive and complex volumes of data (Big Data) must be captured, analysed and represented in a comprehensible way by automated algorithms. The potential of artificial intelligence includes its ability to take over monotonous and time-consuming routine tasks from humans, leading to an improvement and standardisation of workflows in research and development as well as in clinical practice.
AI in Switzerland
A recent report commissioned by the Federal Council shows that the conditions needed in order to use artificial intelligence in Switzerland are generally already in place. In some areas, though, there is a need for action and clarification, and one of these areas is research and development.
The best possible conditions for innovation must be created if the potential offered by the new possibilities of artificial intelligence is to be leveraged. At the same time, measures need to be taken to ensure that artificial intelligence is used responsibly.
Further information
AI report of the Federal Council
Digital Switzerland initiative