Our commitment in the special situation - diagnostics, medicines, vaccines - Interpharma

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4 September 2020

Our commitment in the special situation – diagnostics, medicines, vaccines

After the first phase of crisis management, major challenges and opportunities are now awaiting politics and society, and thus also Switzerland as a pharmaceutical location, in a new normality marked by the virus. This is not least because other countries have recognised the importance of a value-added-intensive pharmaceutical industry, particularly in times of crisis, and are making active efforts to strengthen their location. Interpharma, the Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Companies in Switzerland, and its members have formulated our commitment in five theses based on the Strategy Pharma Location 2030 and against the background of the experiences of the past weeks and months. These theses can serve as a starting point for discussions on the future shape of the Swiss healthcare system. These five theses will be examined in more detail here in the coming weeks.

The well-being of patients is the focus of our activities. As an industry, we will not rest in our common fight against Covid-19 until we have the virus under control or defeated it; just as we remain committed to fighting other diseases. The research-based pharmaceutical industry is making an unprecedented effort worldwide to overcome the crisis, whether in ensuring the supply of diagnostics and medicines to the Swiss population or in research and development with the aim of bringing safe and effective treatments and vaccines to the market for patients in the fight against Covid-19.

Dr. René P. Buholzer

Managing director

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Interpharma, the association of Switzerland’s research-based pharmaceutical industry, was founded in Basel in 1933.

Interpharma informs the public about issues that are important to the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland, including the pharma market in Switzerland, healthcare and biomedical research.

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